Saturday, 7 June 2014

Things that I am learning

Doing one thing at a time is far, far, far better for mental health than trying to do two or three things at once.
Being alone is absolutely essential to my mental health. Bring resentful when I can't have time alone is not helpful.
Communication with other people, even with people I've known for a long time, is hard. It's ok that it doesn't cone easily to me.
It's ok to say less than others.
I feel better when I'm not surrounded by clutter: clutter is not just some thing I can ignore.
I tend to accumulate (craft books and fabric) when I want to feel better. I would be much much better going for a walk somewhere green.
While I love being on my own, I find that sitting doing absolutely nothing for 15 minutes is not easy for me. It may be that the need to be on my own is more to do with avoiding being drained by other people.
Making a list of things that need to be done is helpful. There may be things on the list that will never be done. The helpful thing is to have it on the list so that it doesn't keep popping up in my head. Crossing things off is good, too.

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